Tabor, Corey R. Mel Fell. Corey Tabor, Illus. Picture Book. Balzer & Bray, 02/2021. [40]pp. $17.99. 978-0-06-287801-4. OUTSTANDING. GRADES. PRE-3.
One day a young kingfisher bird named Mel decides it’s time to learn to fly. Despite her and her siblings’ fears, “she jumped. She flipped. She spread her wings. And then… she fell.” Mel dives down alongside the tree she lives in, alarming several other creatures who live at lower levels of the tree. When Mel hits the water below, catches her first fish, and flies straight back to the nest, readers will rejoice. From the moment you realize the book must be turned sideways to read it, you know this will be a special and exciting journey. The digitally assembled illustrations are done in pencil, colored pencil, and acrylic paint, creating a warm and inviting timeless look for the story. A brief note on how kingfishers nest and hunt is included in the back matter. This book will be a hit for storytime.
Eny Calvert, Alameda Co Lib