“Notable Books for a Global Society 2012” list. This list is sponsored by the Children’s Literature and Reading Special Interest Group of the International Reading Association. Notable Books for a Global Society 2012 Alicia Alonso [continue reading]
March 2012
Review of the Week
Ponti, Claude. Chick and Chickie Play All Day. Claude Ponti, Illus. Graphic.Toon, 2012. 31p. $12.95 978-1-935179-14-6. OUTSTANDING GRADES PRE-1 “What do you want to play?” Chick asks his friend Chickie, as they start this giggle-inducing [continue reading]
Andersen Award and Arne Nixon Center Party
IBBY ANNOUNCES HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN AWARD FOR 2012 The Hans Christian Andersen Award Jury of the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) announces that Maria Teresa Andruetto from Argentina is the winner of [continue reading]
Hunger Games Read-Alikes for a younger audience
If they’re asking for The Hunger Games, but you’re in a K-5 Library, try… These are possible alternatives found in some K-5 libraries. In most cases, they are on the edge (grades 5-8), but they [continue reading]
Review of the Week
Green, John. The Fault in Our Stars ‡ Fic. Dutton, 2012. 318p. $17.99 978-0-525-47881-2 OUTSTANDING GRADES 8-ADULT It is ironic that such a funny YA book is about teens with cancer, yet that is the [continue reading]
Media Watch
Disney Junior is a new cable network debuting March 23. Two of their programs are based on children’s books: Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney (Candlewick, 1995) and the Gaspard and Lisa [continue reading]
Not too late to register for Institute!
Workshop on Food Justice Resources for Libraries “Eat the Library: How Libraries and Food Justice Organizations Can Work Together to Make Food Healthy, Safe, and Available in Their Communities” is the title of the [continue reading]