The American Library Association announced its annual youth media awards, including the Newbery and Caldecott Medals, on Jan. 25, 2021. The full list is available at ALA announces 2021 Youth Media Awards | News and [continue reading]
Newbery Medal
American Library Association Announces Youth Media Awards
The American Library Association announced the Youth Media Awards today, at the Midwinter Conference in Seattle, WA. The Newbery Medal winner is Meg Medina for Merci Suarez Changes Gears, published by Candlewick. The Caldecott Medal winner is [continue reading]
ALA Announces 2018 Youth Book and Media Awards
One Monday, Feb. 12, 2018, the American Library Association announced the annual children’s and young adult book and media awards. Newbery: Winner – Kelly, Erin Estrada. Hello, Universe. Greenwillow. Honor – Barnes, Derrick. Crown: An [continue reading]
Newbery, Caldecott, and other Youth Media Awards Announced
Press release from the Association of Library Service to Children, a division of the American Library Association: American Library Association announces 2017 youth media award winners ATLANTA- The American Library Association (ALA) today announced the [continue reading]
Kwame Alexander Wins Newbery Medal
American Library Association announces 2015 youth media award winners: John Newbery Medal for the most outstanding contribution to children’s literature: “The Crossover,” written by Kwame Alexander, is the 2015 Newbery Medal winner. The book is [continue reading]
Newbery, Caldecott, and Other Youth Media Awards Announced at ALA
Newbery, Caldecott, and Other Youth Media Awards Announced at ALA From the press release from the American Library Association: “The American Library Association (ALA) today announced the top books, video and audio books for children [continue reading]
ALA/ALSC Youth Media Awards Announced
At the American Library Association’s Midwinter meeting held on January 28, 2013 in Seattle, several book and media awards were announced. These included: Newbery Medal: Katherine Applegate for The One and Only Ivan (HarperCollins) Caldecott [continue reading]