Sorell, Traci. We Are Still Here! Native American Truths Everyone Should Know. Frané Lessac, Illus. Non-fiction. Charlesbridge, 04/2021. 40pp. $17.99. 978-1-62354-192-7. OUTSTANDING. GRADES 1-5.
In this companion to Sibert Honoree We Are Grateful: Otsaliheliga (2018), twelve Native American/Indigenous children describe laws, policies, struggles, and victories that have occurred in Native life. For example, there are one-paragraph descriptions of assimilation, urban relocation, tribal activism, and religious freedom. The title phrase is repeated at the end of each topic, which makes for a great classroom read-aloud. The full-color gouache illustrations feature both historic and contemporary groups of people of all races; many scenes are of children in classrooms. The folk art-style illustrations help to extend the brief text, showing youth in boarding schools, Alcatraz protests, and treaty signings. Back matter includes another paragraph on each topic, a timeline, and a glossary. This is sure to be as useful as Sorell’s (Cherokee) earlier book.
Penny Peck, San Jose State University, iSchool