2014 Golden Kite Awards: The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators announced the winners of the 2014 Golden Kite Awards on March 5th. Winners include Tim Federle’s Better Nate than Ever (S&S) and Peter Brown’s Mr. Tiger Goes Wild (Little Brown). www.scbwi.org/2014-golden-kite-winners/
ALSC INSTITUTE BLOG: The ALSC Institute will be held in Oakland, CA in Sept. 2014. The ALSC blog is including weekly posts about what is being planned for this exciting conference. Check it out this recent column by Ted McCoy about Amy Koester’s STEAM programming ideas: www.alsc.ala.org/blog/2014/03/talking-steam-programming-with-amy-koester-alsc-institute-programs/
Library Information in Spanish: Author and young children’s educator Saroj Ghoting has a new feature on her website that offers resources for parents who speak Spanish. Check it out: www.earlylit.net/resources/spanish_resources_span.shtml and a version in English: www.earlylit.net/resources/spanish_resources_eng.shtml
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