Winter for Babies
Storytimes for babies and toddlers offer an opportunity to model great read-aloud techniques for parents and gives them the confidence to read to their children every day. A baby-toddler storytime can be followed by an extra 20 to 30 minutes of playtime, which encourages parents to talk to each other and for the young children to learn to play with others. It also demonstrates the importance of play to parents.
Welcome song: “Hello Everybody, Yes Indeed”
Mother Goose Rhyme: “Winter”
Get ready song: “Open, Shut Them”
First book: If It’s Snowy and You Know It, Clap Your Paws! by Kim Norman. This variation on the popular storytime song features animals in winter.
Fingerplay: “Here Are Grandma’s Glasses”
Stretching song: “Winter Mitten Colors Song”
Second book: Ready for Winter by Marthe Jocelyn. Diverse toddlers get dressed for the cold weather.
Fingerplay: “Ten Little Mittens”
Movement song: “Snowflakes, Snowflakes”
Third book: Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson. Various animals gather in Bear’s cave while he hibernates for winter in this rhyming story.
Song: “Little Bear”
Extra book if needed: Bears in the Snow by Shirley Parenteau. Five little bears want to go sledding but their sled is too small – can Big Brown Bear help?
Board book for parents: Winter Babies by Kathryn Galbraith. Four different babies are shown playing in the park.
Closing song: “The More We Get Together”