Owls – Revised
Owl Babies by Martin Waddell is one of my favorite storytime readalouds. Here are some other fun owl stories listed below. For a craft project, make: Paper Plate and Cupcake Liner Owl Craft for Kids – (alittlepinchofperfect.com).
Allen, Jonathan. I’m Not Cute! Little Owl wants to be scary but the other forest animals think he is cute.
Fan, Eric. Night Lunch. An owl sees a mouse at an all-night diner – will the mouse join owl for lunch, or be the lunch?
Haughton, Chris. Little Owl Lost. Little Owl falls out of the nest while his mother is away looking for food, so the forest animals help him.
Hutchins, Pat. Good Night, Owl! A variety of animals are featured in this cumulative story filled with sound effects.
Kohara, Kazuno. The Midnight Library. A little girl and her three owl assistants run a small library.
McKinnon, Heidi. Baz & Benz. A little owl and a big owl are friends.
Pizzoli, Greg. Good Night Owl. Owl tries to find the strange noise keeping him awake.

Waddell, Martin. Owl Babies. Three sibling owls wait for mama to come back with food in this participation story.
Won, Brian. Hooray for Today! Owl wakes up and looks forward to playing but all his friends are asleep.
To see our earlier Owls storytime plan, go to: Owls Storytime Ideas (bayviews.org)
Penny Peck, San Jose State University iSchool