Even toddlers can participate in a drum program, and it is a great way to introduce the concept of rhythm. Make these simple Chinese drums. Or, make one of these drums using a can or oatmeal box, and some giftwrap ribbon.
App: Together Time with Song and Rhyme for Parent and Preschooler from Mulberry Media Interactive Inc.
Blackstone, Stella. MY GRANNY WENT TO MARKET: A ROUND-THE-WORLD COUNTING RHYME. Among the wonderful things Granny bought on her trip were six booming drums.
Gollub, Matthew. TEN ONI DRUMMERS. Ten Japanese ogres beat on their drums to chase away bad dreams.
Guidone, Thea. DRUM CITY. A boy inspires others in the neighborhood to drum on anything around them.
Krosoczka, Jarrett. PUNK FARM. The animals on Joe’s farm form their own punk band, complete with their version of “Old MacDonald.”
Mahy, Margaret. BOOM, BABY, BOOM, BOOM! Mama and her baby drum on items around the house, while animals watch.
Patricelli, Leslie. BE QUIET, MIKE! Mike (a monkey) drums on everything but soon finds a drum kit at the music store.
Pinkney, Brian. MAX FOUND TWO STICKS. A boy who doesn’t talk communicates by drumming.
Vernick, Audrey. TEACH YOUR BUFFALO TO PLAY DRUMS. In this spoof of parenting books, the text encourages the reader to support her pet’s desire to study the drums.