Van de Vendel, Edward. Mishka. Annet Schaap, Illus. Addl. Creator Anoush Elman. Translated from the Dutch by Nancy Forest-Flier. Levine Querido, 10/2024. 151pp. Fiction. Trade $15.99. 978-1-64614-458-7. GRADES 3–5. ADDITIONAL.
An Afghanistan refugee family of six is finally allowed to stay in the Netherlands, after months of difficult travel and five years of waiting. To celebrate their new home, they adopt a white dwarf rabbit. Eight-year-old Roya bonds with the rabbit and begins to talk to it about the family’s ordeal, which she barely remembers. When her teacher assigns class presentations Roya chooses to do hers about Mishka, the rabbit, but it ends up being more about life as a refugee than just the rabbit. Though relatively short, the often emotionally charged plot demonstrates to readers what life as a refugee is like, and how talking with others can help. Schaap’s scattered, hand-drawn illustrations fit with the feelings and actions of the story and feel like Roya could have drawn them herself. A touching story that would be great for any discussion about refugees.
Joshua Rees—Daly City Public Library