Gold, M. L. and N. V. Fong. From Maybe to Forever: An Adoption Story. Jess Hong, Illus. Picture Book. Creston, 09/2020. 32pp. $18.99. 978-1-939547-75-0. OUTSTANDING. GRADES PRE-2.
“I have been waiting for a long time to be a big sister,” says a bubbly girl who patiently explains the process of adoption to her dog in child-friendly language, emphasizing positive aspects of creating and growing families. Bright, engaging digital illustrations show splendid diversity of families with many skin colors and configurations, including gay couples and a single parent family. By placing the emphasis on families and the excitement of being an older sibling, the story avoids centering mothers (although it does describe birth/gestational parents as mothers), and the illustrations show caretakers of all genders engaged in diaper changing, bottle feeding, and other necessary infant care. The adoption narrative is exclusively focused on infant/newborn adoption. “We love our baby, and she loves us” ends the story on a positive note. An excellent choice for storytime or a lap read.
Eny Calvert, Fremont Public Library