Performers’ Showcase A Success! Congratulations to everyone who conducted this year’s Performers’ Showcase (on Feb. 1) – especially to Armin Arethna who has been coordinating the Showcase for several years now! Pat Toney has posted the performers’ contact information to our Pinterest page: The list of performers and contact information will also be posted to the ACL website very soon: Special thanks to the folks at the Fremont Main Library for hosting the showcase!
ACL Distinguished Books Meeting on Sunday, Feb. 9, 2014
ACL’s annual meeting to finalize our Distinguished Books List is set for this Sunday, February 9, 2014 at the home of Penny Peck, Noon-4pm (potluck lunch). Be sure to bring any nominated books to the meeting. If you have nominated books but cannot attend, be sure to send the books with a friend who will be attending. Also, if you cannot attend but would like to send in your votes, email them to Penny ([email protected]) and she will make sure your votes are recorded. In fact, you can include a sentence or two on why you are voting a certain way, and those comments will be read at the meeting. Thanks!
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