The Bay Area Storytelling Festival returns to the Bay Area on Saturday and Sunday May 19th and 20th, and it’s time to quilt the annual Bay Area Storytelling Festival Quilt. This year we continue with the theme of storytelling by continents; this year’s quilt features squares of European folktales. The quilting will be done in the East Bay and in the North Bay. The East Bay quilting bee is scheduled for Sunday, April 22, 12-5, at the home of Elizabeth and Doug Overmyer (contact Elizabeth for details and to RSVP). As always, we’ll provide the needles, thread, basic instruction and good food and you provide some (very basic) stitching and good company.
If you’re interested in quilting in the North Bay, contact Martha Shogren. If you’d like more information about the 26th Bay Area Storytelling Festival, to be held at the Craneway Pavilion in Marina Bay, Richmond, find it here.
Questions? Email Elizabeth.
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