Superhero Celebration
Superheroes are a great theme for a do-it-yourself program! You could hold this event in conjunction with Free Comic Book Day (Home Page - Free Comic Book Day) or during National Library Week. Special thanks to Sylvia Adame for several of these ideas.
If possible, partner with a local comic book store to obtain special editions of free comic books, along with bookmarks that give the store’s address, phone, and website. Offer healthy refreshments, such as water and fruit slices. It is likely this event will draw a large age range of school-age children and parents, so holding this on a weekend will allow for the most attendees. If possible, this could be held outdoors. Use two high school volunteers at each of the stations.
Begin by giving everyone a superhero nametag. Use this chart to figure out your name: What's Your Superhero Name? - Imgur. Mine is Omega Fang!
Obstacle Course: Make a simple Obstacle Course out of string: (1174) Pinterest
Hulk Smash: Make a brick wall out of cardboard boxes painted red. Have the kids use Hulk Hands (toy plastic hands) to break through the wall: Best Superhero Birthday Party Ideas in 2021 - StarWalkKids
Shield Toss: Decorate paper plates to look like Captain America’s shield (see crafts section). Have a competition where players toss the plates into laundry baskets. 21 Hilarious Superhero Party Games Kids & Adults Will Both Love (playpartyplan.com).
Kryptonite Toss: Give each player three green ping pong balls. Have them toss the balls one at a time at plastic buckets (the type young children play with at the beach). Award prizes based on how many balls go into the bucket: 21 Hilarious Superhero Party Games Kids & Adults Will Both Love (playpartyplan.com)
Bean the Bad Guy: Use 2 liter soda bottles with about 2 inches of sand in the bottle for weight. Print out cartoon illustrations of famous Batman villains and tape one to each soda bottle. Player gets 3 beanbags to try and knock down the soda bottles.
Super Hero Coding Board Game: No computer needed! Computer Coding Game No Computer Needed Superhero Activity (littlebinsforlittlehands.com)
Superhero Capes: Make simple superhero capes out of plastic tablecloth material: DIY Super Hero Costume For Girls - The Chirping Moms
Captain American Shields: Made from a paper place and some tissue paper: Captain America paper plate shield craft | Non-Toy Gifts (nontoygifts.com)
Toilet Roll Heroes: Make these simple superheroes out of cardboard toilet rolls: Cardboard Craft Tube Superheroes - Kid Craft Tutorial (gluedtomycraftsblog.com)
Foil Super Hero Puppets: These simple stick puppets are made from popsicle sticks, foil wrapping paper, and googly eyes: Mixed Media Foil Wrapped Superhero Puppets - Kid Craft (gluedtomycraftsblog.com).
Wonder Woman Tiara and Cuffs: Imaginative Play with Kids: DIY Wonder Woman Tiara and Bracelets - Artsy Momm
Paper Bag Batman: Paper bag Batman craft for kids | Non-Toy Gifts (nontoygifts.com)
Penny Peck, San Jose State University iSchool
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