ALSC INSTITUTE Local Arrangement Volunteers Needed: Are you planning on attending the ALSC Institute in Oakland, CA Sept. 17-20, 2014? If so, we invite you to be part of our Local Arrangements team, helping as ushers at various workshops and events, and assisting with minor tasks such as collecting evaluations, answering directional questions (“Where’s the restroom?”), and sitting with an assigned author at the Breakfast for Bill event. Bay Area residents are encouraged to join Local Arrangements, to get a little hands-on experience assisting at a conference while still enjoying the workshops and events of your choice!
If you are interested, email Penny Peck at [email protected] and you can volunteer to help at programs you plan to attend. Send us your:
• Name
• Library affiltation or library school
• Email address
You must be registered for the ALSC Institute to participate: Thanks so much!
Author/Illustrator Kate Duke Dies at age 57: : Known for her picture books featuring guinea pig characters, author/illustrator Kate Duke died on April 20, 2014 at age 57. She died unexpectedly at home in New Haven, CT. She often did school visits, meeting elementary school children and talking about how she wrote and illustrated her books.
New Summer Reading Lists: The Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) has updated and released three Summer Reading lists. The lists are full of book titles to keep children engaged in reading throughout the summer.
Lists are available for K-8 students. Each is available to download for free on the ALSC website in color and black and white. Lists can be customized to include library information, summer hours and summer reading programs for children before making copies available to schools and patrons. The lists are available at:
The Summer Reading List was compiled and annotated by ALSC’s Quicklists Consulting Committee and School-Age Programs and Services Committee through a 2013 Carnegie Whitney Grant funded by the American Library Association Publishing Committee. The 2014 list was updated by ALSC’s Quicklists Consulting Committee.
Free Infopeople Webinar: What’s New in Young Adult Literature 2014 will be presented by Michael Cart on Wednesday, June 11, 2014, Noon PDT.
• Do you know the latest trends in Young Adult literature are?
• Looking for emerging authors?
• Need a list of the latest “hot” YA books?
• Want recommendations for the best adult books for YAs?
At the end of this one-hour webinar, participants will be familiar with current:
• Trends informing the dynamic world of YA literature and publishing
• New YA fiction – both novels of realism and genre fiction – that comprises “first purchases” for YA collections
• Non-fiction for both recreational and classroom use
• Graphic novels and comics
• Adult books for young adults and New Adults
This webinar will be of interest to both public and school library staff with young adult collection development responsibilities. For more information and to participate in the Wednesday, June 11, 2014 webinar, go to
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