ACL Meeting Friday, December 13, 2024: Just a quick reminder for our Bay Area members! Please join us for our ACL Meeting on Friday, December 13, 2024, from 9:00am-Noon, at the Berkeley Main Library, 2090 Kittredge St. Be sure to use the back entrance on Bancroft Way. Our regular meeting place at the Oakland Main Library is being renovated, so we are relocating to Berkeley for our in-person meetings until the renovation is complete. Arrival between 8:50AM-10AM — Enter the building at the BPL staff entrance on 2031 Bancroft Way. Arrival after 10AM — Please wait until the Library opens at 10AM and enter at 2090 Kittredge St, the Library’s main entrance.
For our professional development session, we will here a presentation about the APALA Awards (Asian/Pacific American Librarians Association), from Jen Woo and Joy Shioshita. Then we will enjoy our annual Winter celebration potluck – sign up to bring a dish here.We will also hear about the latest Outstanding books that are reviewed, and our Distinguished books. Also, bring your checkbook or cash because we are holding our book sale! See you there! Questions? Email Penny at [email protected].
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