De Fombelle, Timothee. Captain Rosalie. Isabelle Arsenault, Illus. Fiction. Translated from the French by Sam Gordon. Candlewick, 06/2019. [64]pp. $15.99. 978-1-5362-0520-6. OUTSTANDING. GRADES 6-8. Five-year-old Rosalie is a self-appointed captain who describes her secret mission [continue reading]
November 2019
ACL Institute Registration Open
ACL Institute 2020: Sex Ed for Librarians San Francisco Public LibrarySan Francisco, CA – Friday, April 10, 2020 – 8am This year’s institute topic, SexEd for Librarians, will be a dynamic day of professional development [continue reading]
New Winter Holiday Books
Winter Holiday Quick Picks Need a few suggestions for new holiday books for December? Here are some that are worth checking out, to add to your library: Board Books Klein-Higger, Joni and Barbara Sharf. [continue reading]
Register for the 2020 Performers Showcase
Register for the Performers Showcase: Come see over thirty children’s performers, all in one day, all in one place! Presented annually by the Association of Children’s Librarians of Northern California (ACL), this is a great [continue reading]
OUTSTANDING! – October 2019
Each month we post an annotated bibliography of books that were rated ‘Outstanding’ and nominated for our Distinguished List at our previous month’s meeting. Members can see full reviews of these books and many more [continue reading]
ACL Meeting Friday, Nov. 8th
ACL Meeting Friday, November 8, 2019: Just a quick reminder for our Bay Area members! Please join us for our ACL Meeting on Friday, Nov. 8, 2019, from 9am–1pm at the Oakland Main Library. We [continue reading]
Kirkus Prize Goes to Jerry Craft
Kirkus Prize Awarded to Jerry Craft: Jerry Craft’s graphic novel New Kid won the 2019 Kirkus Prize for Young Readers’ Literature. Craft receives $50,000 for winning the award. To see the other finalists, go to: [continue reading]