Magnolia Wu Unfolds It All
by Chanel Miller

Chang, Victoria. Love, Love.
Cheng, Andrea. Year of the Book.
Fipps, Lisa. And Then, Boom!
Fitzhugh, Louise. Harriet the Spy.
Freeman, Martha. Trashed!
Goerz, Gillian. Shirley & Jamila Save Their Summer.
Kapit, Sarah. The Many Mysteries of the Finkel Family.
Lacour, Nina. The Apartment House on Poppy Hill.
Lincoln, Beth. The Swifts: A Gallery of Rogues.
Tucker, Laura. All the Greys on Greene Street.
Warga, Jasmine. A Strange Thing Happened in Cherry Hall.
Yang, Kelly. Front Desk.
Yee, Lisa. Maizy Chen’s Last Chance.
Penny Peck, San Jose State University iSchool