Please join us for our first in-person meeting since February 2020! We’ll be gathering at the Rockridge Branch Library in Oakland for our December 9th meeting. Here’s the schedule:
9:30am: Snacks, socializing, and first dibs on our booksale.
10am-12pm: ACL meeting, including welcoming and celebrating our new Helfeld scholars, and a Distinguished roundup (agenda to come).
This is our first booksale since 2020, and we have a lot of books! We’ll be going through books to evaluate what to keep after this meeting, so this is your chance to buy some of the great stuff we’ve been sent over the past two and a half years *and* support ACL financially in the process. We’ll be able to accept both cash and Paypal for the booksale.
We will also have new review books available so you can check them out and get inspired to write a review!
Accessibility notes: The meeting will take place in Rockridge’s meeting room, which is up two flights of stairs to the second floor; an elevator will be available. There will be a large air filter and open windows in the meeting room; masks will be required. If you would like to unmask and eat food on the side of the room where the food will be set up, you will have the option to do so. If you are sick (COVID or otherwise) or if you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID, please stay home and we’ll see you next time! Please try to come low-fragrance or fragrance free.
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