Many U.S. families are descendants of Swedish immigrants; for a craft project make these simple paper Vikings: www.dltk-kids.com/fantasy/mpaperviking.htm.
Lindman, Maj. Flicka, Ricka, and Dicka series. Classic series about three identical Swedish sisters.
Nilsson, Ulf. Little Sister Rabbit and the Fox. A rabbit escapes from a fox.
Nordqvist, Sven. The Birthday Cake. An old farmer makes a cake out of pancakes for his cat.
Souhami, Jessica. Honk, Honk! Hold Tight. Based on a Swedish folktale, a poor boy tries to make the princess laugh so he can gain a reward.
Zemach, Harve. Nail Soup. This variation of “Stone Soup” comes from Sweden.
Penny Peck, San Jose State University iSchool