Eagar, Lindsay. Made Glorious. Candlewick, 4/2024. 389pp. Fiction. Trade $19.99. 978-1-5362-0467-4. GRADES 9–12. ADDITIONAL.
Rory, a senior at Bosworth Academy, “deserves” to be the lead in the school’s musical. Although she is not the first choice, or even second choice, all obstacles steadily fall away and she is given the role, just a week before opening night. Readers begin to piece together seemingly disparate events, who is behind them, and what this means to others as the chapters unfold. Eagar mixes in clues that show all is not quite right with Rory, while disguising the whole truth until the very end. Readers will first encounter a trigger warning about suicidal tendencies and fatphobia, though these topics are mostly behind the scenes. Rory shows how overcommitted one can be to their chosen field, and the consequences of being driven to succeed at the expense of others.
Joshua Rees—Daly City Public Library