Albertalli, Becky. Imogen, Obviously. Balzer & Bray, 05/2023. 432pp. Fiction. Trade $19.99. 978-0-06-304587-3. GRADES 9–12. OUTSTANDING.

This emotionally charged novel follows high school senior Imogen, die-hard LGBTQ ally, as she grapples with her own gender identity. Spending a weekend on campus with her best friend’s circle of hip, gay friends, Imogen begins to question who she is on many levels, and even who she may have been her whole life. The author effortlessly weaves angsty conversations and relatable text exchanges into a richly-layered plotline that highlights authentic teen relationships. Respect for queer space, pre-college anxiety, and family acceptance all feature prominently in the story arc. Gender diversity takes center stage, but ethnic/cultural diversity also plays a role, as Imogen, coded as white, has close relationships with Lili, who is Brazilian and Tessa, who is Jewish. Ultimately, this novel shines a powerful spotlight on the young adult characters’ dynamic struggle to fit in, find themselves, and evolve in a multi-dimensional world far beyond what they envisioned while growing up.
Jennifer Agarwal—MLIS Student at SJSU