Rez Dogs by Joseph Bruchac
Bruchac, Joseph. Night Wings.
Coulson, Art. Trophy Buck.
Currie, Susan. The Mask That Sang.
Dance, Jennifer. Red Wolf.
Day, Christine. I Can Make This Promise.
Dupuis, Jenny Kay. I Am Not a Number.
Erdrich, Louise. Makoons.
Hutchinson, Michael. The Case of Windy Lake.
MacColl, Michaela. The Lost Ones.
Marshall, Joseph. In the Footsteps of Crazy Horse.
Mills, Allison. The Ghost Collector.
Qitsualik-Tinsley, Rachel. Skraelings: Clashes in the Old Arctic.
Quigley, Dawn. Jo Jo Makoons: The Used-to-be Best Friend.
Robertson, David. The Barren Grounds.
Smith, Cynthia Leitich. Sisters of the Neversea.
Wolf, Joan M. Runs with Courage.
Penny Peck, San Jose State Uuniversity iSchool