ACL Activites and Events
Meetings / Institute / Showcase
You are invited to our Monthly Meetings. ACL meetings are held from 9:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the second Friday of each month, excluding the month of the annual institute. (typically April or May), usually at the Oakland Public Library.
Oakland meetings begin at 9 AM in the West Auditorium, with access only available from Madison St.
** NOTE: The library does not open until noon, direct meeting access is at the West Auditorium doors only.**
- Fri, May 9, 2014 ACL Meeting 9 am Oakland PL
- Fri, July 13, 2015 ACL Meeting 9 am Oakland PL
The annual ACL Institute offers proffesional development to Librarians and other interested in a wide variety of topics. The 2016 Institute will be held June 3, 2016 at the San Francisco Public Library. Planning is underway and more information will be available soon.
The annual Performers’ Showcase offers the opportunity to meet and evaluate a variety of children’s performers active in the Bay Area. The next Performers Showcase will be held in February, 2017. For more information on upcoming or past Performers’ Showcases, see the Showcase page.