Performer List
The following performers appeared in the 2012 ACL Performers Showcase on February 4, 2012, at the Fremont Main Library. You may contact most of them directly at their websites, listed below. This list includes information current as of February 4, 2012, and will not be updated. Back to Showcase home
- Ackerly Entertainment
- Joe Caffall
- Magic Time
- The Magic of Timothy James
- Mr. Shap Balloon Twister/Magician
- Perry Yan
- Toy Goofball the Magician
- Abby and the Pip Squeaks
- Alison Faith Levy
- Bev Barnett and Greg Newlon
- Bienvenue French School
- Bingo Schmingo Music
- Blue Bear – Barbara Murphy
- Catfish Jack
- James K
- email* Liz Mac
- Patricia Shih
- Peter Apel
- The Trombonist